Americana Media Productions
"American Music - Bluegrass - Alt-Americana - Radio Promotion "
Fred Boenig
If you want radio promotion that is focused on
"A Return on Investment for the Artist"
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Fred Boenig 531 S 2nd St Emmaus PA 18049
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aka "Chance Austin" host of
"Politics, News, Humor and the Best Americana Songwriters"
"The only Antidote for Tea Flavored Kool-Aid"
New Releases for 2020
James Hyland
A Song about
Emmeline Blanche Woodward Harris Whitney Wells (pronounced em-ma-līn) (February 29, 1828 – April 25, 1921) was an American journalist, editor, poet, women's rights advocate, and diarist. She served as the fifth Relief Society General President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1910 until her death. She represented the state of Utah at both the National and American Women's Suffrage conventions and was president of the Utah Woman's Suffrage Association. She was the editor of the Women's Exponent for 37 years. She was a plural wife to Newel K. Whitney, then Daniel H. Wells.
100 years August 18th
19th Amendment -Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.
Women's suffrage in Utah was first granted in 1870, in the pre-federal period, decades before statehood. Among all U.S. states, only Wyoming granted suffrage to women earlier than Utah. Because Utah held two elections before Wyoming, Utah women were the first women to cast ballots in the United States after the start of the suffrage movement. However, in 1887 the Edmunds–Tucker Act was passed by Congress in an effort to curtail Mormon influence in the territorial government, disallowing the enfranchisement of the women residents within Utah Territory.
(Music Reviewer - Chuck Armstrong)
James Hyland - Western 25 Month 2020 On James Hyland's new album, Western, he closes his opening track, "The Edge of Comancheria," with the haunting chorus, ...
(Music Reviewer - John B Moore)
James Hyland- Western 12 March 2020 At 19 tracks and close to an hour-and-a-half of music, James Hyland’s latest, Western, is a pretty big commitment for the ...
(Music Reviewer - Jim Hynes)
James Hyland has been making music in Austin since the turn of the millennium. Folks may know him best as the frontman ...
(Music Reviewer - Lee Zimmerman)
James Hyland is a seasoned singer/songwriter from Austin, Texas who sings from a knowledge perspective. It’s evident ...
(Music Reviewer - Dan MacIntosh)
James Hyland’s Western is a concept album, of sorts, as it details how the transcontinental railroad impacted the American ...
"While Feiles’ soulful style is mostly utilized in service to a series of searing ballads, the Dr. John New Orleans-style piano and shuffled rhythm of “If I Were a Dinosaur” injects some spunk and funk into the proceedings and amps ups the energy to a significant degree." Lee Zimmerman
(Music Reviewer - Bobby Moore)
Arlan Feiles - What Kind of World? (click on image to watch video) 30 January 2020 The title track from singer-songwriter Arlan Feiles’ latest album asks an immensely important question through ...
(Music Reviewer - John B Moore)
Arlan Feiles- What Kind of World? (click on image to watch video) 15 January 2020 From the opening, the title track of Arlan Feiles’ latest, What Kind Of World, it’s obvious the LA-raised/Jersey-based ...
(Music Reviewer - Lee Zimmerman)
Arlan Feiles -- What Kind of World? (click on image to watch video) 13 January 2020 Most would consider Arlan Feiles a kind of journeyman singer/songwriter. He made his way from Los Angeles, ...
(Music Reviewer - Eleni P Austin)
Arlan Feiles - What Kind of World? (click on image to watch video) 1 January 2020 Arlan Feiles is the kind of engaged, political songwriter America needs right now. The L.A. native first emerged ...
(Music Reviewer - Jim Hynes)
Arlan Feiles - What Kind Of World? (click on image to watch video) 1 January 2020 Visit Arlan Feiles’ website and you’ll learn that he was discovered and mentored by the late great Rock and ...
(Music Reviewer - David Maciotra)
Arlan Feiles - What Kind of World? (Click to watch the video) 17 December 2019 The songs of Arlan Feiles typify the late Ralph Ellison’s suggestion that people must cultivate the ability ...
(Music Reviewer - John B Moore)
Scott Holstein- Hillbilly Love 20 July 2020 It would be easy to dismiss Scott Holstein’s latest single, “Hillbilly Love,” as just another country novelty song. ...
(Music Reviewer - David Masciotra)
Scott Holstein- Hillbilly Love 18 July 2020 The unforgettably titled new single from Scott Holstein begins with a strum of an acoustic guitar that doubles as the ...
(Music Reviewer - Eleni P Austin)
Scott Holstein - Hillbilly Love 16 July 2020 Scott Holstein’s twangy new single “Hillbilly Love” harkens back to the Outlaw Country movement spearheaded back ...
(Music Reviewer - Chuck Armstrong)
Scott Holstein - Hillbilly Love 16 July 2020 With a smooth baritone voice and symphonic Telecaster twang, Scott Holstein has crafted the perfect anthem ...
Created on 16 July 2020

Granted, summer looks a lot different this year. Where it was once for a time to venture out on vacation, enjoy time off from school, gather with friends and relatives, and opt to unwind, in 2020 it’s about avoiding the plague caused by a pandemic, the ongoing unrest and a brewing political maelstrom that shows no sign of subsiding any time soon. That sad, credit Dana Cooper with summarizing that shared sense of uncertainty with “Summer in America,” a timely testament to this perilous period of our history. “There’s a madness in our midst,” he sings over a quietly assuring melody that belies the trouble and turmoil to which he’s alluding. In a sense, it’s a call to arms, one that expresses a determination to march together, locked arm in arm, to oppose the forces of racial injustice and those that would deny the right to peacefully protest and thereby give voice to those swept aside by indifference and oppression. However it also shares a keen sense of optimism that suggests those that take to the streets will ultimately triumph and America will reclaim the ideals on which this precious nation was founded.
To his credit, Cooper’s well equipped to express these sentiments. A nominee for the Kerryville Folk Festival Hall of Fame, a recipient of the 2014 Heritage Musician Award from Pilgrim Center for the Arts in Kansas City, Missouri, and winner of the 2015 Spirit of Folk Award by Folk Alliance International, his songs have been widely recorded by any number of exceptional artists, making him a regular presence at songwriting workshops both here and abroad. His own albums have achieved widespread recognition as well, and with a new effort due soon, “Summer in America” provides the promise of scaling new plateaus on his way to wider recognition.
“Summer in America is indeed one terrific tune, and more importantly, a song for all seasons that aptly sums up the modern American malaise. — Lee Zimmerman
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